IF: “Reverse”


So this is a little late & the color isn’t great because I had to take a picture of it instead of scanning it because it was too big.  I missed the deadline for this Illustration Friday but I figured I’d post it here  anyways :).  Reverse was the topic but I realized that I missed the bottom few words it should read “Sometimes we Just Wish we Could Reverse Time.”

I wish I could reverse time ALL the time, I want to live in the 1800s, 1930s, or anything pre-1950 (including Medieval England when I’m reading Sharon Penman’s book :-p)…or maybe just last week or last summer so I could do everything right! Just like Liz Lemon when the adoption lady is smacked in the head I think there’s times when we all wish we could ‘take it on mulligan’ (a term that makes sense because I played so much computer golf  with my Grandpa when I was little :-p).  So can I have my time machine now? :-p