IF: Journey


Good Morning!! I actually finished this drawing last night but I wanted to write a cohesive, non-sleep deprived blog entry for once.  ‘Journey’ is the topic this week and all I kept thinking of is my imaginary journey that plays through my head when I think about my future.  In my wildest dreams I’m a moped riding animator.  I own, operate, and animate in a small, crazy, start-up studio–Amber~mations Inc.  Like all young animation studios we’re mildly successful and I (the boss) am going borderline crazy to keep it running, but I love it because its my studio and when our name is called for the Academy Award I’ll get to stand up on stage to accept it!

But why the moped??? (I know that’s what you’re all wondering :-p) Because even though my future studio will be nominated for an Academy Award (in the Best Picture category btw–they moved us out of the animated feature category to make it fair :-p)  I never learned to drive, so I ride a moped that can only go 25 mph and Hershey (my kitty) and I travel the world through the back roads and bike lanes to celebrate and relieve stress. And that will be my ‘Journey’.   What’s your’s?